Essay by Hans-Ulrich Meine on the narrative of "cheap gas" from Russia
In this essay (available in German language only), Hans-Ulrich Meine, Senior Advisor for Team Consult and previously a manager in top executive positions in the German gas industry, discusses the narrative of "cheap Russian gas" frequently used in German media and politics...
Current filling levels of natural gas storages in Germany
Feature article by Ralf Dickel on CCS as an essential instrument of climate and energy policy
Ralf Dickel argues in a feature article for Tagesspiegel Background Energy and Climate that CCS is an essential instrument of climate and energy policy. He points out that ...
H2-Market-Radar (7th edition, November 2024)
The 7th edition of our H2 Market Radar is now available for download here...
LNG Market Radar (12th edition, October 2024)
The 12th edition of our LNG Market Radar is now available for download here...